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rogue, (rôg), n. [<16th-c. thieves' slang <L.rogare, to ask]

Recipient of the
2012 American Theatre Wing
National Theatre Company Award


Our Season
Current Show
Past Shows

'A View from the Bridge' by Arthur Miller

A View from the Bridge

by Arthur Miller


Directed by Chirstopher Johnson
Music Direction by Russell Ronnebaum

September 10–27, 2020

Thursday–Saturday 7:30 P.M., Saturday & Sunday 2:00 P.M.

Performance Schedule
Ticket information

The Rogue Theatre at The Historic Y
300 East University Boulevard

Free Off-Street Parking
See Map and Parking Information

In the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge, Arthur Miller’s heartbreaking story tells of Eddie Carbone,
a longshoreman, whose incestuous love for his niece drives him to his own destruction.


Complete information on A View from the Bridge


August 27, 2020

Meet with the cast of A View from the Bridge:

Dear Rogues,

In just two weeks, we’ll be opening A View from the Bridge at The Rogue.

It’s thrilling to think that we might actually get to have people in the theatre again! We've been closely watching the Pima County statistics that determine whether we can open. The most important benchmark is the percentage of COVID-19 cases in the county. That percentage must be less than 0.1 percent, and Pima County must maintain this low average over a two-week period. That means that less than 1 in 1,000 people have the virus.

Of course, if we are able to open the play, we will be at a much lower audience capacity than normal. We will have fewer than 45 people in the usual 170-seat theatre on any night, everyone will be masked, we will do extensive cleaning, no one will gather in the lobby, the snack bar will be closed, etc.—for a complete list of precautions you can click here.

We will also be creating a professional three-camera video of the production so that those of you who feel more comfortable staying at home will still be able to see the production.

The play is beautiful and compelling. And our production concept is interesting: masked actors moving to a soundtrack of the play including vocals, music, and sound effects. We are certain it will be a fascinating night at the theatre—whether you see it at home or at The Rogue.

Thank you, as always, dear friends.

Cindy Meier, Managing & Associate Artistic Directo


Rogue Radio


Kate Chopin’s Desirée’s Baby
adapted by Christopher Johnson from the 1893 short story
featuring Carley Elizabeth Preston, Christopher Johnson and Cynthia Meier

Carley Elizabeth Preston and Christopher Johnson in Kate Chopin's 'Desiree's Baby'

Carley Elizabeth Preston and Christopher Johnson in Kate Chopin’s Desirée’s Baby

Dear Rogues,

We have been awash in Kate Chopin’s writing these last few months. An early feminist voice of the late 19th century, Chopin writes from a unique and compelling perspective. After we completed The Awakening, we turned to one of her most famous short stories to share with listeners on NPR.

To hear our second edition of Rogue Radio on NPR, click here and scroll to about 15:08 on the Arizona Spotlight recording.

Thank you, as always, dear friends.

Cindy Meier, Managing & Associate Artistic Director


Rogue Radio

7/22/20 & 7/30/20

Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

We are very excited to share with you the audio adaptation by Christopher Johnson of Kate Chopin’s 1899 novel The Awakening, performed by The Rogue ensemble.

The story centers on Edna Pontellier, a married woman, spending the summer in Grand Isle, a holiday resort popular with the wealthy inhabitants of nearby New Orleans.

Edna is vacationing with her husband, Léonce, and their two sons at the cottages of Madame Lebrun. Léones’s frequent business-related absences mar his domestic life with Edna. Consequently, Edna spends most of her time with her friend Adèle Ratignolle, a married Creole who epitomizes womenly elegance and charm.

Edna’s relationship with Adèle begins Edna’s process of “awakening.” The process accelerates as Edna comes to know Robert Lebrun, the elder, single son of Madame Lebrun. Robert is known among the Grand Isle vacationers as a man who chooses one woman each year—often a married woman—to whom he then plays “attendant” all summer long. This summer, he devotes himself to Edna, and the two spend their days together lounging and talking by the shore...




For more spring and summer 2020 Rogue Radio episodes, Backstage Tour videos,
Stop-Motion Animation and more, visit our News page.




OUR 2020–2021 SEASON



A View from the Bridge     Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein    The Oresteia     The Weir     As You Like It

A View from the Bridge
by Arthur Miller
September 10–27, 2020

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
by David Catlin
November 5–22, 2020

The Oresteia
by Ellen McLaughlin
January 7–24, 2021

The Weir
by Conor McPherson
February 25–March 14, 2021

As You Like It
by William Shakespeare
April 22–May 9, 2021


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(30.9 MB, viewable in Adobe Acrobat Reader)

See our Tickets page for a detailed schedule and purchase options

Click here for more information about the plays


2019 Arizona Daily Star Mac Awards

The Rogue Theatre received
thirteen nominations and one award in the Arizona Daily Star’s 2019 Mac Awards!
Read all about it here.

The Nominations

Best Actor, Drama: Ryan Parker Knox in Middletown
“Knox crawled into the skin of the character.”
Best Actor, Drama: Matt Bowdren in The Crucible
“ ...was powerful and poignant...he owned the role of John Proctor.”
Best Actress, Drama: Bryn Booth in The Crucible
Her “portrayal of Abigail made clear the horror and the tragedy that can result from lies and betrayals.”
Best Director, Drama: Christopher Johnson for Middletown
“His Middletown had a rhythm and a pace that gave the story about small town life full breath.”
Best Director, Drama: Christopher Johnson for The Crucible
“his direction in The Crucible was riddled with tension and insightful performances.
Best Director, Drama: Cynthia Meier for The Secret in the Wings
“ ...wowed us with her direction ...she effectively used costumes and props
to keep us engrossed as she took us from one story to the other.”
Best Drama: Middletown
“...captured imaginations..”
Best Drama:The Secret in the Wings
“...captured imaginations..”
Best Drama:The Crucible
“ ...illuminating and terrifying.”
Best Actor, Comedy: Matt Walley in Much Ado About Nothing
“...took on the role of Shakespeare’s clown Dogberry and he made him as funny as the Bard intended.”
Best Actress, Comedy: Cynthia Meier in Blithe Spirit
 “...deliciously outrageous.”
Best Director, Comedy: Joseph McGrath for Much Ado About Nothing
 ...used a light touch and lots of physical humor ...”
Best Director, Comedy: Joseph McGrath for Blithe Spirit
 ...his production of Blithe Spirit danced with humor and rhythm.

The Winner

Best Comedy: Blithe Spirit
“ ...jaunty and sophisticated and grand fun. Playwright Noël Coward’s wit was given full breath by the talented cast..”



Our Fifteenth Season


Long Day’s Journey Into Night
September 2019

Your production is riveting, tragic, compelling and any other superlative
you would like to add. We were mesmerized.

—Meg Hovell, Audience Member

What a stunning rendition of Long Day’s Journey into Night!
It’s a wild, gruesome and treacherous ride.

—Barbara Seyda, Audience Member

What a wonderful start to the new season at The Rogue!
As with everything the Rogue does, this production captures the line
between the despair and hopes of O’Neill’s characters with perfection.

—Laura Kosakowsky, Audience Member

Just home from seeing the afternoon performance.
It was absolutely brilliant...beautifully directed...stunningly powerful performances
by a sublimely gifted cast. I’m still reeling.

—Michael Bailey, Audience Member

I cannot stop thinking about it. You captured the sorrow with such grace.
—Judy Wallingford, Audience Member

For true lovers of quality theater, this is a champagne experience.
—Chuck Graham,

Because of its timeliness and relevancy to current events, my students were awestruck
by the human condition presented in the characters of the play.

—Chris Pankratz, Teacher at Flowing Wells High School

This is a production that is still very timely and should be seen by everyone.
And it honestly did not feel like a show with a running time of nearly three hours.

—John Dow, Audience Member


Joseph McGrath as James, Theresa McElwee as Mary, Ryan Parker Knox as Jamie and Hunter Hnat as Edmund

Joseph McGrath as James, Theresa McElwee as Mary, Ryan Parker Knox as Jamie and Hunter Hnat as Edmund

Photo by Tim Fuller

Complete information on Long Day’s Journey Into Night


Blithe Spirit
November 2019

Blithe Spirit is packed with surprises and promises to lift spirits.
—Arizona Daily Star

Blithe Spirit finds genuine laughs in a clairvoyant world
—Chuck Graham,

If you want a deeply enjoyable night at the theatre, go see Blithe Spirit before this production gives up the ghost.
—Taming of the Review

A fantastic, hilarious performance! Brilliant!
—Paul Amiel, Audience Member

I highly recommend this superbly acted production.
—Cliff Cunningham, Sun News Tucson

Playfully charming, hauntingly erotic, mercurially witty, beguilingly theatrical,
Holly Griffith’s wonderful performance as Elvira, the ghost of Charles Condomine’s first wife,
epitomizes and highlights Rogue Theatre’s graceful production of
Blithe Spirit,
Noël Coward's comic masterpiece.

—Bill Epstein, Tucson Sentinel

David and I so enjoyed Blithe Spirit.
The chemistry among your ensemble is elegant. You were all extraordinary

—Betsey Parlato, Audience Member

Blithe Spirit at The Rogue Theatre was such a delight.
I can't recommend this show highly enough.
Don’t miss this unique and masterful production!

—Chris Pankratz, Audience Member

Matt Walley, Bryn Booth, Cynthia Meier, Ryan Parker Knox and Carley Elizabeth Preston

Matt Walley, Bryn Booth, Cynthia Meier, Ryan Parker Knox and Carley Elizabeth Preston

Photo by Tim Fuller

Complete information on Blithe Spirit


Moby Dick
January 2020

The Rogue is fearless, and successful, with its take of Moby Dick.
—Arizona Daily Star

Your amazing production of Moby Dick reminded me how fortunate I am to live in a community with a treasure like The Rogue Theatre.
—Nancy Bissell, Audience Member

Stirring, imaginative, thought-provoking, and eerie, this company has conceived a total work of art that transcends any single contributor.
—John Kececioglu, Audience Member

The production last night was stupendous. The creativity of the movement, music, and acting in staging a novel was amazing theater.
—Peter Hirschman, Audience Member

Still awed by Moby Dick. As an audience member, I always feel honored by this company—honored for my intelligence, my imagination, my willingness to be part of the mutual creation that is the heart of a theatre experience.
—Gail Eifrig, Audience Member

Just, wow.
—Sarah Palmer, Audience Member

Christopher Pankratz, Joseph McGrath, Eduardo Rodriquez, Jeffrey Baden, Ryan Parker Knox and Aaron Shand

Christopher Pankratz, Joseph McGrath, Eduardo Rodriquez, Jeffrey Baden, Ryan Parker Knox and Aaron Shand


Death of a Sperm Whale

Death of a Sperm Whale

Photos by Tim Fuller

Complete information on Moby Dick

See all production photos


The Beauty Queen of Leenane
February–March 2020


I loved every minute of Beauty Queen!
—Roger Owen

Drop whatever you're doing and get tickets because this production is an absolutely brilliant portrayal of raw humanity. Do not, do NOT miss this play!!!
—Jay Hornbacher

No one does drama like The Rogue.
—Laura Kosakowsky

Everyone in the cast was just amazing. The play unfolds in such a taut and unexpected way,
it really had the whole audience on the edge of their seat.

—Ellen Campbell

I am so glad we were able to see one of the final performances of The Beauty Queen of Leenane.
It was a remarkable production, and perhaps the best performances of all they plays we have seen at the Rogue.
And the other performances have been spectacular!

—Marjorie Hochberg


Ryan Parker Knox as Pato Dooley and Holly Griffith as Maureen

Ryan Parker Knox as Pato Dooley and Holly Griffith as Maureen


Cynthia Meier as Mag

Cynthia Meier as Mag


Holly Griffith as Maureen and Hunter Hnat as Ray Dooley

Holly Griffith as Maureen and Hunter Hnat as Ray Dooley


Holly Griffith as Maureen, Hunter Hnat as Ray Dooley, Ryan Parker Knox as Pato Dooley and Cynthia Meier as Mag

Holly Griffith as Maureen, Hunter Hnat as Ray Dooley,
Ryan Parker Knox as Pato Dooley and Cynthia Meier as Mag

Photos by Tim Fuller


Complete information on The Beauty Queen of Leenane



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visitors since August 10, 2005

Updated on August 27, 2020

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