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rogue, (rôg), n. [<16th-c. thieves' slang <L.rogare, to ask]

Recipient of the
2012 American Theatre Wing
National Theatre Company Award


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If we are able to open the theatre, we will follow these guidelines for assembly.

  • We will continue to update the protocols as government agencies revise their advice.
  • We will limit each audience to under 48 people (instead of the usual 170 audience members) with every other row empty and two seats between parties, allowing for six feet of distance to other audience members.
  • All audience members will give their names and have their temperatures checked upon entry into the theatre. No tickets will be required.
  • All audience members and staff will be masked at all times. Clean masks will be available for use if needed, to be returned at end of performance.
  • All audience members are asked to maintain six feet of distance.
  • Frequently touched surfaces including seats will be disinfected before every performance.
  • The snack bar will be closed except for bottled water.
  • Audience members will be asked to stay outside the building, maintaining social distance until 10 minutes before performance.
  • Audience members will be directed in a one-way path to seating and restrooms in the theatre.
  • There will be no walk-up ticket sales.
  • Hand sanitizers will be available in both bathrooms and the lobby.
  • If you are sick, please stay home and watch the video!

Thank you!








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visitors since August 10, 2005

Updated on

August 27, 2020

©2020 The Rogue Theatre