We are all keepers of the spirit of the theatre—from
the artists who identify and articulate our core human impulses, to
the administrators who make homes for art; from the trustees who secure
those homes and create the bonds between artists and the larger community,
to the audiences, without whom there can be nothing called theatre.
Sometimes shouldering the responsibility for this most consistently
endangered, ever-ephemeral endeavor can feel like carrying burning embers
wrapped in leaves through a rainforest. If the necessary spark goes
out, how will we light the fire around which we gather, night after
night, place after place? That spark is what we have; it’s the
art of the theatre, your theatre, any theatre. And so we carry and protect
it, fan it to flame, watch it die down to a faint glow, wrap it up and
carry it again, always hopeful, always together.
—from The Art of Theatre by Todd London
The Rogue Theatre is supported not only by ticket sales and grant funding,
but also by contributors like yourself. We are incorporated as a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization, so any financial contributions you make are tax-exempt to the fullest extent allowable by the IRS. Please consider becoming a donor contributing to the rich
cultural life of Tucson!
Click here to find out how to donate.
Lifetime Rogues
Cumulative Gifts of $300,000 or more
Norma Davenport
Cumulative Gifts of $100,000–$299,999
John & Joyce Ambruster
Marianne Leedy
David & Norma Lewis Foundation
Cynthia Meier & Thomas Wentzel
Cumulative Gifts of $50,000–$99,999
Arizona Commission on the Arts
Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona
John & Patricia Hemann
Peter Salomon & Patricia Morgan
Andy & Cammie Watson
The following dedicated individuals have notified us that they have made a commitment to The Rogue Theatre through a charitable bequest:
Ted & Celia Brandt
Norma Davenport
Nancy & Robert Eshrich
Gary & Harriet Fielding
Katherine & Arthur Jacobson
Mona Mizell
Nancy Peterson
Ronald Staub
Ward Wallingford
We are grateful to the following individuals who have made a charitable bequest to The Rogue:
Lonny Baker
Dan Gilmore
Pearl Joseph
Audrey Lumsden Kouvel
David S. Lewis
Dr. William Mangold
Herbert C. Ploch
If you would like to make a gift to the Rogue through a bequest, please contact Cynthia Meier at director@theroguetheatre.org
The Rogue is now able to take gifts of stocks and securities. Please e-mail Cynthia at director@theroguetheatre.org for information on how to make such a gift.
Donors since
July 2019
We have a variety of donation levels (and accompanying appellations), based on your annual donation.
Rogue Extraordinaire: $25,000+ donation
John & Joyce Ambruster
Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona
Norma Davenport
Marianne Leedy
David S. & Norma R. Lewis Foundation held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
Rogue: $10,000–$24,999 donation
Arizona Commission on the Arts
Carol Mangold
Max McCauslin & John Smith
Peter Salomon & Patricia Morgan
Andy & Cammie Watson
Paul Winick & Ronda Lustman
Beguiler: $5000–$9999 donation
John Blackwell & Denice Blake
Shawn Burke
William & Barbara Dantzler
Karen DeLay & Bill Sandel
Flowing Wells High School
Fourth Avenue Foundation
Dr. Tom & Karinn Hamill Rothe
Todd Hansen
John & Patricia Hemann
Peter & Meg Hovell
Arthur & Katherine Jacobson
Sally Krusing
Kristina L. Lewis
Larry Boutis & Barbara Martinsons
Betsey Parlato & David Zucker
Stuart Salasche & Els Duvigneau
Clay Shirk
John E. Wahl & Mary Lou Forier
Tim Wernette & Carolyn Brown
Witthoft Apprill Family Foundation
Hellcat: $1000–$4999 donation
American Theatre Wing
José Anonymous
Julia Annas
Richard & Deborah Apling
Jill Ballesteros
Norman Balmer
Christina Bascom
Peter Bleasby
Bev Bechtel
Nancy Bissell
Ellen Bodow
Bob & Judy Bolt
Maura H. Brackett
George Bradbury & C. M. Peterson, in honor of Russell Ronnebaumn
Linda Briggs
Brittenham Family Foundation
Judie Bronstein & Goggy Davidowitz
Carol & Ed Burke
Anne Cavanagh
Susan Collinet
Steve & Gerry Connolly
Frederick C. Corey
Kathryn Crofoot
Pat & John Danloe
Richard & Pam Duchaine
Pat Engels
Bryan & Elizabeth Falcón
Margrethe & Bill Feldman
Deanna Fitzgerald
Kate Flasch
Robert & Rhonda Fleming
Sally Gershon
Dr. Gerald & Barbara Goldberg
Loring & Susan Green
Ann Hasselmo
Margaret Houghton & Paul Garner
Norma Inkster
Christopher Johnson
From the Estate of Pearl Joseph
Drs. Dennis & Kathryn Karsh
Kay & Phillip Korn
Laura J. Kosakowsky
Ed & Nancy Landes
Andrew & Ann Lettes
GBL Family Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
Richard Pincus & Jan Linn
Susan & Stacy Litvak
Kathy & Jack Mattox
Warren & Felicia May
Brock & Chantal McCaman
Joseph McGrath
Kathleen A. McGrath & Jerry James
Patricia A. McKnight
Melinda McMullen & Duncan Kime
Cynthia Meier & Thomas Wentzel
Gay Miller
Mona Mizell
Dana Muller & Gary Steigerwalt, in honor of Karen DeLay & Bill Sandel
Jordan & Jean Nerenberg
Carole Baumgarten & Priya Okun
Pat and Sid Olson
Kathleen Ortega & Lawrence Johnson
Jane & Jim Peterson
Nancy Peterson & Dave Becker
Laurie & Thomas Pew
Katharina Phillips & Sheldon Trubatch
Lynn Ratener
Lewis & Ann Roscoe
Mary & Paul Ross
Julia Royall
John W. Singer
Bill & Nancy Sohn
Nick Soloway & Kay Ransdell
James & Janice Stewart
George Timson
Susan Tiss
Judith Treistman
Ward & Judith Wallingford
Joan Warfield
Elizabeth Whitaker
John & Diane Wilson
Jim Wilson & Adam Hostetter
Chris Wozney
The Young Foundation
Ne’er-do-well: $500–$999 donation
Kathy Altman & Ivy Schwartz
Aaron Archer & Melissa Bjelland, in honor of Karen DeLay & Bill Sandel
Lesley Bailey
Celia A. Balfour
Terry Blatt
Bonnie Bradford
Celia Brandt
Mary Beth Cabana & Jim Brady
Eleanor Cannan
Bill & Loomis Carleton
Richard & Pat Carlson
K. Childress & J. Brown
Julie Cohn
Kimble & Sherrye Cohn
Rosanne Couston
Doug & Posie Cowan
Jacqueline Crockett
Jim Cushing
Paula Wilk & Marty Diamond
Mark Dickinson & Letizia Stanghellini
Ruth & Stephen Dickstein
Susan Dodd
Michael Johnson & Annette Everlove
Jim & Louise Glasser
Ed & Anne Griffith
Wilbert Harri
Greg & Vicki Hart
Jo-An Heileman
Bill & Silke Hoffmann
Wynn & Linda Houtkooper
JKL Family Fund
Philip C. Keller
Andrew & Pamela Kerr
Jan Konstanty & Pat Wallace
Dr. Kenneth Langton
Thomas Lowry
Denis & Jeanette Nathan
Nanalee Raphael
Jill & Jim Rich
Chris & Jane Roberts
Mary & Tom Ryan
R. & L. Schindler
Nan C. Schubel
Steven M. & Leslie Skelton
Paul & Nancy Smith
Bruce Spencer
Katherine Standifer
Walter Swap
Liz Temple
Cindy Traylor
Robert Wallin
Rosemarie Ampela & Jerry Weinstein
Janice Wezelman & David Bartlett
Mindy & Sandy Wilcox
Carol & Lou Wilkinson
Bonnie Winn
Gary S. Youngling
Rapscallion: $100–$499 donation
A. Jean Aboud
Freddie & Jerry Adkinson
Howard Allen & Julia Braithwaite
Mary Sue Andersen
Shirley Andrews
Anonymous (7)
Syd Arkowitz
Betsy Armstrong, in honor of Karen DeLay & Bill Sandel
Tracy Askotzky
Kathryn Babcock
Sharon Bacon
Patrick Baliani & Dian Jazynka
Barbara A. E. Banks
Lucette Barber
Jeff & Angela Bartell
Wayne & Anita Beal
Dinah Bear
Al & Susie Bergesen
Leon Bialkowski & Mia Gay
Jean Paul Bierny & Chris Tanz
Pat & Reidar Bjorhovde
Dr. & Mrs. Ned Bloomfield
Adriana Boiangiu
Betsy Bolding
Sarah Boroson
Michael & Judi Botwin
Matt Bowdren
Dale Brenneman
Laura Brinckerhoff
Joe & Barbara Brinig
Andrew Broan
Shannon Bronson
Curtis Brown
Nancy Bucciarelli
Jane & Bob Burch
Philanne “Toppy” Burke
Dennis Burnett & Virginia Rousseau
Kim Burroughs
Herb & Sylvia Burton
John Capecci & Robert Kirby
Lockwood & Darlene M. Carlson
Jean Carr
Jim & Karen Carson
Andrea Chappell & Jerry Huff
Ed & Shirley Cheramy
Robert & Elaine Clark
Brian & Susan Cochran
Robert & Paula Coleman
Rae & Bob Consigli
Kirsten & Gary Cook
Gordon & Patricia Coolman
Jean S. Cooper
William & Cheryl Coulter
David & Deborah Cowan
Janice Crebbs
Eleanor Crosfield
Anne Cushman
The Reverend & Mrs. G. A. Danielson, in honor of Peter Bleasby, one of the world's finest electricians
Dottie Davis
Lynn Davis
Jacqueline Day
Jean de Jong & Joseph Watkins
James & Janet De Young
Terrence V. DeCarolis
Raul Delgado, in honor of Cynthia Meier
Jonathan Dellerman, in honor of Bryn Booth & Hunter Hnat
Raymond & Linda Dewey
Susan Dick / The Learning Curve
Mary Beth Dickey
Douglas & Nancy Dimock
Bill Dingeldein & Elizabeth Kelley
Dan Docks & Mary Beth Ginter
Curt & Shirley Dornberg
Jeannette & Michael Dougherty
John Dow
Walter Doyle
Donal Drayne
Jill Leslie Drell
Barbro Drott Huth
Vernon Dunlap
Nancy Easter
Marty & Lois Easton
Regine Ebner
John & Cindy Edwards
Robert Encila
Robert & Nancy Eschrich
Lillian Essex
Vicki Ettleman
Michael & Tamara Evans
John & Susan Ey
Rudolph Faller
Todd Fedoruk
Betty Feinberg
Brian Folkes
Tony Fonze & Becky Harris
Janet Frakes
Dale Fuller
Aida Castillo-Flores & Glenn Furnier
James & Barbara Gallagher, in honor of Patty Gallagher
Barbara T. Gates
Ursula Geck
Renee Geffen
Ed Gelardin
Gene & Sandy Gerner
Julie Gibson
David Farneth & David Gilbert
Roberta Gillilan
Shelly Glandon
Eloise Gore & Allen Hile
Linda Kay Groenendyk
Patricia & Vicki Grossman/Mitchell
Dorothy J. Gruver
Mary Lynn Hamilton
Cynthia & Jorgen Hansen
Sovay Hansen, in honor of Diane Hansen’s Birthday!
Patricia Harmon
Judith Hasbrouck
Donald C. Hausrath
Maria Gardeta-Healey & David Healey
Jane Heaton & Peter Ryers
Sandy & Elliott Heiman
Jon & Diana Henke, in honor of Jan & George Freese
James “Hendo” Henriksen
Carrie Hill
Rebecca Hilst
Peggy M. Hitchcock
Nadia Hlibka
Jack Hoag
Sandra Hoffman
Sheryl Holland
Joe & Janet Hollander
Helen Holliday
Lonnie & Gloria Holub
Thomas & Louise Homburger
Jay Hornbacher
Katie & Christopher Hottel
Lucy Howlin
James Humphreys & Soame Dustin
Ann Bedell Hunt, in honor of Karen DeLay & Bill Sandel
Drs. Jennifer & Scot Hutchison
Dave & Marsha Irwin
Lorene A. Jayson
Kathryn Jenish
Courtney & Mary Johnson
Jana Grove Johnson
Leila Johnson
Marilyn Kay Johnson
Susan Johnson
Dorothy Joseph
Dr. Violet Juodakis
Jeremy Kahn
Chris & Lynn Karabinas
George & Carol Karres
John Kececioglu
K. Kennedy
Cathy Kent
John & Sharon Kerr
Rita Kester & Daniel Horton
Dr. & Mrs. George Klavens
Marsha & Donald Klein
Joanna Knapp, in honor of Polly Miller
Judith Kohn
Sherwin & Karen Koopmans
Richard Kopp
Carol Koretz
Anne M. Kreutzmann
Calvin & Ilene Kunin
Holly Lachowicz
Geoff Praeger & Cynthia Lambarth
Ann & Lou Lancero, in honor of Norma Davenport
Kathy Larason
Karen Lawrence
Donna Leaman & Wayne Jackson
Lawrence Lee & Beth Valenzuela
Adrienne Lehrer
Melvin & Hillary Leibowitz
Gary & Carolyn Lerch
Jane Levin
William Lindgren
Cheryl Lockhart
Karen E. Loeb
Lyn Loveless
Kim Lowry & Kate Morrissey
Michael & Christa Lubatkin
Dominique Lunt
Bruce Macdonald
Ned & Pat Mackey
Mary Z. Maher
Angela Manansala
Judy Manelis
Lee Marchitelli
Honey Mason
William A. Mason & Theodore Beloin
Michael McChesney
Lauren McGrath
Dede McKnight
Gloria McMillan
Susan Meier
Hal Melfi
Diane Alexander Meyer & Alexander Sisters Philanthropy
Adrienne Meyer
Richard & Wardlee Meyer
John Mielke
Linda & Richard Miller
Lily Mingus
Raymond Moldow & Winona Mullinax
Timothy Moon
Joel & Pat Moorhead
Jean Morrison
Robert & Guna Mundheim
Shirley G. Muney
Barbara Nemetz
Gerald & Barbara Newman
Tom Newman
Traudi Nichols
Sue Nieland
David H. Nix
Caroline & Dick Norman
David & Barbara Northrop
Pamela Obando
Betty A. Ohr
Robert Parks
Linda S. Paschke
Cookie & David Pashkow
Randall & Loretta Pecsek
Mary Peterson & Lynn Nadel
Rici Peterson & Michael Seibold
Ms. Shelley Phipps
Diane & Max Pierson
Sylvia Pozarnsky & Tom Riley
Carley Elizabeth Preston, in honor of The Rogue Ensemble
Thomas & Maureen Price
Robert Raffa & Sumiyo Umeda
Sharyn Rafieyan
Bill & Cindy Rainey
Doris & Steven Ratoff
Tamis & Beto Renteria
Bruno & Suzanne Rescigna
Suzanne Rice
Stephen & Alisa Ridgway
Gail T. Roberts
Sue Roberts & Roger Sperline
Sandra Rode
Richard & Elizabeth Rollman
Karin & Richard Roth
Donna Rudolph
Elouise Rusk
David & Sonja Saar
Adib & Vivi Sabbagh
Janet Salese
Lu Salisbury
Barbara Sattler
Carol Saturansky
Tim Schaffner
Alice Schlegel
Sally Schleu
Paula Schlusberg
Pat & Dick Schmuck
Herbert & Barbara Schneidau
Leeanne Schwartz
Bernard & Judith Segel
Stephen & Jeanette Shawl
Tina & Bob Shelton
Barbara Sherman & Ted Maynard
Sharie & Clem Shute
Heather Sigworth
Linda Simon
Steven Slaff
Dean K. Dunsmore & Regina L. Sleater, in honor of Michael Dunsmore
Raynette H. Smith
Shirley Snow
Robert & Suzanne Snow
Ronald Staub
Robin Steinberg
Mary Stevens
Eugene & Emily Stevick
David & Lydia Streeter
Evelyn J. Stewart
Peter & Phyllis Strupp
Scott & Carlou Stubbs
Cecily Surace
Stan & Dawn Sutherland
Donna E. Swaim
G. Marie Swanson
Patricia Talbot
Susan Tarrence & Stephen Golden
Mrs. Shirley Taubeneck
Lana Holstein & David Taylor
James Tharp, in honor of Eloise Gore
Lilly & Matt Thorndal
Thrivent Financial
Margaret Tome
Caroline Tompkins & Miri Fleming
Deborah & Patrick Turski
Marianne van Zyll
Bobbie & Don VandeGriff
James Venskus
Ross Iwamoto & Marianne Vivirito
George & Marilou Waldmann
Howard Ward
Mark Warnken & Nancy Coppa
Mary & Ron Weinstein
Nancy Weiss
Barbara Wilder
Karen Wilkison
Tom Willard
Christine & Robert Wohl
Linda Wolfe
Binky Luckhurst & Dick Woodward
Bess & Peter Woodworth
Grace & Sam Young
Scamp: Up to $99 donation
Nic Adams
Shelly Adrian
Anonymous (10)
Mila Aroskar & Ronald Newhouse
Sarah Bamba
Walter Barnes, Jr.
Kathleen Mary Teresa Barrett, in honor of Mary Clerkin Clarkin
Beth Bavaro, in honor of Karen DeLay
Bruce Bayly
Susan J. Beach
Mary Ellen Beaurain, in honor of Bill Sandel
Susan Berman
Cristiana Bertoldi
Billie Bixby
Joyce Bolinger & Lavina Tomer
Gail Bornfield
Michael & Betsy Boxer
Joyceen Boyle
Linda Brewer
Ian Burlato
Robert Cantrell
Margaret Case, in honor of Patty Walmann
Margaret Christensen
Leonard Cisneros
Susan Claassen
Mollie Clarke
Barbra Coffee
Rebecca Cohen
Ronald & Mary Cohen
Sarah Congdon & John Leech, in honor of Kathleen McGrath
Dr. Burton & Carol Cunin
Daniels Family
Helen Dearmore
Margaret & Alan Doan
Vernon & Pati Dunlap
Ken & Kathleen Dunphy
Jennifer Ebner
Dorsett Edmunds
Bill & Gail Eifrig
Theda Ellis
Adrian Korpel & Ann Ellsworth
Anne W. Emerick
Terry & Mary Ellen Etherton
J. & J. Feierabend
Aran Felix
Sharon Fields
Alicia Fodor
Denise Fohlmeister
Jan Freese
Joseph Frericks
Joanne Fritz
Bette Frost
Carmel Garan
Sue Garcia
Kirt & Nancy Gardner
Sydney Gay
Craig Geiger
Mary Kay Gilliland
Wendy Grahm
Linda Grant & Peter Medine
Bob Groendyke
Kathryn Gullen
Dave & Laurie Gunsaulus
Victoria Hahn
The Hamptons
Michelle & Fred Harde
Kelly J. Hardesty
Jan Harrison
M. M. Haz
Sara C. Heitshu
Theresa Hersh
JoAnn Hinchliffe
Chris Holly
Merrilee Holmes
Mark & Susan Horton
Mary Houston & Robert Riddle
Jane Hubbard
Brenda Hughey
Kathryn Hutto
Elaine Isner
Cynthia Jeffery
Sharon Johnson
Alicia K.
M. F. Kane
Gavin & Norma Kayner
Neil Kochenour
Beth Kolbe
Donald & Judith Kramer
Len Kronman
Margaret Lacey
Barbara Lambro, in honor of Fitz Lambro
Thomas Lancaster, in honor of Alan Ferlan
Nancy Lefkowitz, in honor of Stu Salasche & Els Duvigneau
Cheryl Leidich
Bonnie Lester
Kathleen Little
Brian Lockhart
Gypsy Lyle
Robert MacArthur
Karen MacIsaac
John Maksim
Kris Masalsky & Dave Goguen
Laura McCammon
Ida McCarty
Steve McKee
Thom & Connie McKinney
Marianne McWilliams
Jim Middleton
Elissa Mondschein
Gian Morelli
Lauri Morris & Jim Cole
Lotte Decker & Roger Morris
Jeannine Mortimer
P. Gustav Mueller
Keri Muir
Charles Nelson
Charlotte & Robert Nelson
Marie Nibel
Gale Odion
Bryan & Ana Ostrum
Ruth & Paul Ottley
William Pascoe
Chip Perry
Katya Peterson & Pierre Landau
Eve & Stuart Pinkert
Daryl Ragan
Gilbert Rataezyk
Norm & Becky Rebenstorf
Paul Reese
Seymour Reichlin
Laura Reilly
Gladys Richardson
Celena N. Robles, in honor of Carley Elizabeth Preston
Rebecca Rodriguez, in honor of Theresa Mary Fischer
Laurel Rokowski
Neal & Pat Rudikoff, in honor of Brian & Jean
Erica Saunders
Edie Schmitz
Jennifer P. Schneider M.D.
Nancy & Arthur Schwartz
Joyce Scully
Sylvia Simpson
Marilyn B. Skinner
Kristine Slentz
Carol Sowell
Kay Spencer
Laura Steckman
Monique Steinberg
Marylen Sternweiler
Kathleen Stoeser
Barbara Straub
Jared Strickland
Douglas & Linda Syme
Sue Thorne
Tyler & Marcia Tingley
Robert Tracey
Lenore Tsakanikas
Gene Twaronite & Josephine Kelleher
Helene Victor
Dr. B. Vivante
Shirley Wagner
Toni Ward
Renate Wasserman
Neil & Carol Weinstein
Jana L. Weldon
Rebecca Werner, in honor of Theresa Mary Fischer
Faith Whitlow
Alex Wilson
Sara & Lloyd Wisdom
Natalie Wright
Connie Yazzie
Cheryl B. Zimmer
Recent Donations in Memoriam
Kathy Altman & Ivy Schwartz, in memory of Susanne Olkkola
Kathryn Babcock, in memory of Curtis
Ellen Bodow, in memory of Alice Davenport
Adriana Boiangiu, in memory of Marilena Balanescu
Joyceen Boyle, in memory of Dr. Bill Mangold
Celia Brandt, in memory of Theodore Brandt
Laura Brinckerhoff, in memory of Joan Van Dyke
Jane & Bob Burch, in memory of Bud Murphy
Kim Burroughs, in memory of Steve & Jo Ellen Burroughs
Jean Carr, in memory of Marjorie Schroeder Elliott
Julie Cohn, in memory of Garth & Iris Johnson
Janice Crebbs, in memory of Susanne Olkkola
Dorsett Edmunds, in memory of Nancy Mairs & Marianna Edmunds
Lillian Essex, in loving memory of Norman Essex
Margrethe & Bill Feldman, in memory of Don Christensen
Kate Flasch, in memory of Marilyn Flasch & Ralph Forsberg
Jan Freese, in memory of George Freese
Dave & Laurie Gunsaulus, in memory of Nick Clark
Todd Hansen, in memory of Lonny Baker
Nadia Hlibka, in memory of Antonia Moros
Lucy Howlin, in memory of Maryanne Monte
James Humphreys & Soame Dustin, in memory of Janet Walker
Drs. Jennifer & Scot Hutchison, in memory of Mary Hutchison
Lorene A. Jayson, in memory of Hadalee Leavitt
Jana Grove Johnson, in memory of Leslie Morato
From the Estate of Pearl Joseph, in memory of Pearl Joseph
Dorothy Joseph, in memory of Pearl Joseph
K. Kennedy, in memory of Linda McKee
Laura J. Kosakowsky, in memory of Ruth & Abe Kosakowsky
Marianne Leedy, in memory of Bill Leedy
Andrew & Ann Lettes, in memory of Judith Burgess
Judy Manelis, in memory of Shelby Kashket
Carol Mangold, in loving memory of William Mangold
Laura McCammon, in memory of Jan Stewart
Lauren McGrath, in memory of Debbie Covert McGrath
Richard & Wardlee Meyer, in memory of Susanne Olkkala
Jim Middleton, in memory of Jimmain Bravon Middleton
Mona Mizell, in memory of Jim Robbins
Elissa Mondschein, in memory of Tova Zeff
Keri Muir, in memory of JoAnne Knoebel
Sue Nieland, in memory of Dan Gilmore
Gale Odion, in memory of my mother Doris Odion
Ruth & Paul Ottley, in memory of Sarah Ottley
Thomas & Maureen Price, in memory of Bill Mangold
Suzanne Rice, in memory of William Sutherlin Barksdale
Sandra Rode, in memory of Huldah Rode
Adib & Vivi Sabbagh, in memory of Susanne Olkkola
Lu Salisbury, in memory of Bill Salisbury
R. & L. Schindler, in memory of Graham
Jennifer P. Schneider M.D., in memory of Jessica Grace Wing
Sharie & Clem Shute, in memory of Bill Mangold
Kristine Slentz, in memory of Robert Slentz
George & Marilou Waldmann, in memory of Bill Mangold
Renate Wasserman, in memory of George B. Wasserman
Karen Wilkison, in memory of Ruth Wilkison
Funding Organizations
The Rogue Theatre is grateful for the support of the following funding
organizations during the current year:
The Young Foundation
Program Advertisers
We are grateful for the support of this season’s playbill advertisers:
La Posada Continuing Care Retirement Community
Program Ads
If you would like to place a program ad, click
here for more information, including sizes and pricing.
The Rogue Theatre welcomes partnerships with businesses. We provide organizations
with an opportunity to sponsor individual productions or an entire season,
in return for accompanying publicity in our media materials. Please contact
us at director@theroguetheatre.org
if you are interested in sponsorships.
Your time is valuable to us! We’re always looking for volunteers
to assist in fundraising, locating program advertisers, ushering at performances,
or other ongoing or occasional tasks. Please
email director@theroguetheatre.org
or call the Administration phone at 520-344-8715, and we’ll put
you in touch with Susan Collinet,
the Rogue Volunteer Coordinator.
Donating Goods
and Services
Goods and professional services can also be donated as in-kind contributions.
For example, this website design and construction were donated. Our current
wish list includes:
fax machine
multi-sheet photo copier (with bells & whistles)
Please contact us at director@theroguetheatre.org
or call the Administration phone at 520-344-8715 if you would like to
donate to The Rogue Theatre in this fashion.