...an ensemble company with a high regard
for the integrity of its audience.
—Patrick Baliani, The Desert Leaf
Tucson theatregoers
have come to expect some of the most challenging
and thought-provoking material from The Rogue Theatre.
—Gene Armstrong, The Tucson Weekly
Our Fourth Season
September 2008:
Luigi Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author

Laine Peterson as The Stepdaughter, Joseph McGrath as
The Father, Todd
Fitzpatrick as The Leading Man, and Chris Farishon as The Leading Lady
Photo by Tim Fuller
The Rogue always
delivers on its promises.
Graham, Tucson Citizen
Full information about the production
View more production photos
October 2008:
Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days

Patty Gallagher as Winnie
Photo by Tim Fuller
Only in poetry have I heard speech that sounds so much like music,
and Ms. Gallagher’s pitch-perfect timing made it clear that
that was what Beckett had in mind.
Arnesen, The Opera Glass
View more production photos
Winner of the Tucson Weekly’s
Best of Tucson 2008
The January 2008 Rogue Theatre production of Albee’s The
Goat was selected by the Tucson Weekly in the category of
Theatrical Bestiality: “Loud, intense and emotionally realistic,
Rogue’s production of Edward Albee’s play about a married
man who has sex with a goat gradually twisted its initial whimsy into
an evening throbbing with loneliness and rage, thanks to director
David Morden and lead actors J. Andrew McGrath and Cynthia Meier.
What began with witty sophistication descended into brutal primitivism
by play’s end, in an overwhelming production by a courageous
little company.”

The Goat A Mac
Award Favorite!
Rogue continues its brave choice to
bring us plays that provoke us, perhaps offend us, and often
move us.
—Kathleen Allen, Arizona
Daily Star
The January 2008 Rogue Theatre production of
Edward Albee’s The Goat has garnered three prestigious
Macs and one nomination in the Arizona Daily Star’s
2008 Mac Awards.

Read more on our News
page or visit the Arizona Daily Star for the full
article by theater reviewer Kathleen Allen. Follow the links
above to learn more about the winners.
January 2009:
Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, adapted by Sarah Ruhl

Patty Gallagher as Orlando and Avis Judd as Sasha

David Morden as Queen Elizabeth and Patty Gallagher as
Photos by Tim Fuller
Another must-see
Rogue production.
Allen, Arizona Daily Star
Full information about the production
Immortal Longings: An Argument Erupts Among Shakespeare’s Women,
by Joseph McGrath
with scenes from Shakespeare

Laine Peterson as Iras, Susan Arnold as Cleopatra and
Maxine Gillespie as Charmian

The entire ensemble
Photos by Tim Fuller
…engaging and entertaining
from beginning to end.
Reel, The Tucson Weekly