Production Photos from
Edward Albee’s A Delicate Balance
November 2009
Photos by Tim Fuller

And, of course, I haven’t worn the ribbon dress since Julia’s
Second? No, first. Tom. Not Charlie.
Joseph McGrath (Tobias) and Cynthia Meier (Agnes)

Can you see yourself, though? In front of the judge? Predictable,
stolid Tobias?
Amy Almquist (Claire)

CLAIRE: The different breathing and the cold,
when every bed is awake…all night…very still, eyes open,
staring into the dark? Do you know that one?
TOBIAS: Good night, Claire.
Amy Almquist (Claire) and Joseph McGrath (Tobias)

STAY! Stay! Stay. Please? Stay?
Joseph McGrath (Tobias) and David Morden (Harry)

What I find most astonishing—aside from my belief that I will,
one day…lose my mind
—but when? Never, I begin to think…
Cynthia Meier (Agnes)

Come now; we can begin the day.
Joseph McGrath (Tobias), Avis Judd (Julia), Cynthia Meier
(Agnes) and Amy Almquist (Claire)