Production Photos from
Andrew Periale’s Animal Farm
September 2009
Photos by Tim Fuller

Harlan Hokin performs in the music preshow

Farmer Jones enters

Sugarcandy Mountain has been promised to you, a reward for a life
of hard labor.
Haven't I told you?
John Shartzer

—I’m not like the rest of
you. Don’t you understand? I was born to beauty. that’s my
—Under Jones. Now Jones is gone and
we are free.
—This is not freedom! Not for me.
Jill Baker and Avis Judd

But if one group takes everything, then the rebellion will have failed,
and I tremble for the future of Animal Farm.
Joseph McGrath

—The windmill can turn a generator,
and a generator creates…?
Avis Judd, Jill Baker, John Shartzer and Joseph McGrath

Give me twenty-two puppies and I will give you the world.

A big plate of scrambled eggs. There it is, like a big shining light.
Can’t you see it?
Jill Baker, John Shartzer and Joseph McGrath

I confess!

Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland,
Beasts of every land and clime,
Harken well and spread my tidings
Of the golden future time.

Comrade Napoleon is our top dog.
Whether stuffing apples in his ample snout,
Chugging milk until it all runs out,
He is living there can be no doubt,
High off the hog!
John Shartzer, David Morden and Joseph McGrath

Make way for piglets!

Calm yourselves, ladies! Calm!… Calm. Comrade Napoleon
cares for all of you.
John Shartzer, Avis Judd and Joseph McGrath

Hard work. For the good of all.
I’ll work harder.

Fools! Don’t you see what
is written on the side of the van?
They’re taking Boxer to the glue factory! Boxer, Boxer, get out!
Joseph McGrath, Daved Wilkins and David Morden

the commandments been changed?
—What commandments? There’s
only one.
animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
John Shartzer and Jill Baker

The creatures outside looked
from pig to man, and from man to pig,
and from pig to man again,
but already it was impossible to say which was which.
David Morden and Daved Wilkins