Production Photos from
Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Woman of Setzuan,
March–April 2007
Photos by Tim Fuller
unless otherwise noted

SHEN TE: You are the Illustrious Ones? My name is Shen Te.
It would please me very much if my simple room could be of use to you.
Leanné Whitewolf Charlton (Third God), Jill
Baker (First God),
Patty Gallagher (Shen Te) and Nick Bravin (Second God)
Photo by Thomas Wentzel

Preshow with Summer
Thunder Chinese Music Ensemble
Andrew Wilt (erhu), Ping Zhou, (yanqin), Ting-Hui Lee (guzheng), Paul
Amiel (dizi)
Photo by Lin Yuxiang

Preshow with Summer
Thunder Chinese Music Ensemble
Andrew Wilt (erhu), Ping Zhou, (yanqin), Yi Chen (vocalist), Ting-Hui
Lee (guzheng), Paul Amiel (dizi)
Photo by Lin Yuxiang
See Preshow
Video provided by Summer Thunder Music Club
See more preshow
photos at Summer Thunder Music Club’s Website.

MRS. MI TSU: And who may you be?
HUSBAND: Ma Fu, tobacco dealer.
Jill Baker (Boy), Carolyn Hokin (Niece), Roxanne Harley
(Mrs. Mi Tzu),
James Naughton (Nephew), Nick Bravin (Husband), Patty Gallagher (Shen
Avis Judd (Sister-in-Law), Leanné Whitewolf Charlton (Wife) and
Art Jacobson (Grandfather)

WONG: I know, I know, Illustrious Ones!
I found no one to give you a room—not in all Setzuan!
There, it’s out. Please continue on your way.
Leanné Whitewolf Charlton (Third God), Jill
Baker (First God),
Martie van der Voort (Wong) and Nick Bravin (Second God)

YANG SUN: So you’re through with men?
SHEN TE: But I’m not bowlegged.
YANG SUN: Perhaps not.
SHEN TE: Definitely not.
Patty Gallagher (Shen Te) and Joseph McGrath (Yang Sun)

SHEN TE: Does the color suit me?
OLD WOMAN: You'd better ask a man.
SHEN TE: Does the color suit me?
OLD MAN: You'd better ask your friend.
Avis Judd (Old Woman), Patty Gallagher (Shen Te) and Art
Jacobson (Old Man)

WONG: Yes. It's more swollen if anything. Maybe my wrist is broken after
I'd better see a judge at once.
Arlene Naughton (Mrs. Shin), Leanné Whitewolf Charlton
(Wife), Martie van der Voort (Wong),
Nick Bravin (Husband), Patty Gallagher (Shen Te) and Jeremy Ellwood (Unemployed

MRS. YANG: Oh, look, there's the morning mail plane, heading for Peking!
SHEN TE: The pilot can see us, let's wave!
MRS. YANG: You know that pilot up there?
SHEN TE: Wave, Mrs. Yang! I know the pilot who will be up there.
Roberta Streicher (Mrs. Yang) and Patty Gallagher (Shen

Oh, why don't the gods have their own ammunition
And launch against badness their own expedition
Enthroning the good and preventing sedition
And bringing the world to a peaceful condition?
Oh, why don't the gods do the buying and selling
Injustice forbidding, starvation dispelling
Give bread to each city and joy to each dwelling?
Oh, why don't the gods do the buying and selling?
The Ensemble

SHUI TA: Mrs. Shin, you grew up in the gutter, like me.
Are we lacking in hardness? I doubt it.
If you steal a penny from me, I’ll take you by the throat till you
spit it out!
You’d do the same to me.
Patty Gallagher (Shen Te) and Arlene Naughton (Mrs. Shin)

SHU FU: Well? What do you think of me, ladies and gentlemen?
What could a man do more? Could he be less selfish? More visionary?
James Mousigian (Shu Fu)

SHEN TE: You want to fly. But I can’t help you.
YANG SUN: “Here’s a plane, my darling—but it’s
only got one wing!”
Joseph McGrath (Yang Sun) and Patty Gallagher (Shen Te)

WAITER: I can’t let you leave till you’ve paid your bill,
MRS. YANG: But they know me here!
WAITER: That’s just it.
Roberta Streicher (Mrs. Yang) and Nick Bravin (Waiter)

SHEN TE: You want cherries? Just like children with fathers.
No, no, you can’t go straight at them like that. Don’t pull.
We must learn to be reasonable.
Patty Gallagher (Shen Te), Jill Baker (Boy) and Roger
Owen (Policeman)

SHUI TA: Everything will be cleared up in no time. There are still judges
in Setzuan.
James Mousigian (Shu Fu), Roxanne Harley (Mrs. Mi Tzu),
Patty Gallagher (Shen Te),
Roger Owen (Policeman), Joseph McGrath (Yang Sun) and Martie van der Voort

THIRD GOD: We’ll never get away with it, our certificates were so
badly forged.
SECOND GOD: My predecessor’s “sudden indigestion” will
certainly cause comment.
FIRST GOD: But he had just eaten a whole goose.
Jill Baker (First God), Nick Bravin
(Second God)
and Leanné Whitewolf Charlton (Third God)

SECOND GOD: What have you done with our good woman of Setzuan?
SHUI TA: I have a terrible confession to make: I am she!
SHEN TE: Shen Te, yes. Shui Ta and Shen Te. Both.
Leanné Whitewolf Charlton (Third God), Patty
Gallagher (Shen Te),
Jill Baker (First God) and Nick Bravin (Second God)