Production Photos from
Jean Genet’s The Balcony,
October 2005
Photos by Thomas Wentzel

Every freedom fighter must live for her; for
her all the righteous would die!
Dimo Canelos (violinist) and Amy Kenton (Chantal)

Those sins—you really did commit them?
Esther Blue Almazan (Sinner) and Bill Epstein (Bishop)

Ah, what a fine trio we make!
Grant Bashore (Arthur), William Killian (Judge) and Tanaya Gallagher (Thief)

Now death goes into action. Lightly she moves
from soldier to soldier...
Brian Wees (General) and Arlene Naughton (Horse)

What about the lice?
Front: Martie van der Voort (Dominatrix) and Harlan Hokin (Tramp)
Back: Arlene Naughton, Esther Blue Almazan and Tanaya Gallagher (mirrors)

I’ve got nothing but silk to protect me!
Grant Bashore (Arthur), Cynthia Meier (Irma) and Roxanne Harley (Carmen)

I love you because you are soft and sweet—you,
the hardest and cruellest of men.
Front: Amy Kenton (Chantal) and David Greenwood (Roger)
Back: Arlene Naughton, Harlan Hokin, and Martie van der Voort (revolutionaries)

Pink granite! Perhaps even porphyry...
Terry Erbe (Chief of Police) and Art Jacobson (Envoy)

I mustn’t hope to see the light of day
ever again.
David Greenwood (Roger) and Roxanne Harley (Carmen)

On the Balcony
Brian Wees (General), William Killian (Judge) and Bill Epstein (Bishop)