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rogue, (rôg), n. [<16th-c. thieves' slang <L.rogare, to ask]

Recipient of the
2012 American Theatre Wing
National Theatre Company Award


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Production Photos from
Jean Genet’s The Maids,
January 2007

Photos by Tim Fuller


I’m going back to my kitchen, back to my gloves and the smell of my teeth.
To my belching sink. You have your flowers, I my sink. I’m the maid.
You, at least, you can’t defile me. But! But! ...
But before I go back, I’m going to finish the job.

Susan Arnold (Claire) and Cynthia Meier (Solange)


Don’t start getting sentimental about our garret.
I loathe it and I see it as it really is, bare and mean.
And shabby. But what of it! We’re just scum.

Cynthia Meier (Solange) and Susan Arnold (Claire)


And she, she walks about in her tamed menagerie.
She unravels the clues. she points to our traces with
the tip of her pink toe. She discovers us, one by one.
Madame jeers at us. And it’s your fault.
All’s lost because you lacked strength.

Susan Arnold (Claire)


I’m ashamed to ask for tea when Monsieur is all alone,
without a thing, without food, without cigarettes.

Arlene Naughton (Madame)


Dont move! Dont move!
Death is present here and it lies in wait for us!

Susan Arnold (Claire) and Cynthia Meier (Solange)


Musical Prologue: Tango dei Clowns by Nino Rota
David Morden (The Man in the Silver Dress), Joseph McGrath (The Man in the Tuxedo),
and Harlan Hokin (Pianist)


Musical Prologue: Je ne t’aime pas by Kurt Weill
David Morden (The Man in the Silver Dress)



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Updated on February 26, 2007

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